Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What is Graphic Design?

From the video, I learned that graphic design is a way to convey who you are as a person and how to get inside people's minds with what you make. Covers for different products as well as what words work like affect what people see in the product. Learning how to attract people's attention with your message on what you've designed is essential to the idea of graphic design. I listen to a variety of music that have very interesting album covers that attract me to wanting to find out what this album could hold.  Graphic design also applies to me because I'm very interesting in both psychology and game design. Graphic design is essential to making video games. Video games need to be able to attract people's attention with what the gameplay looks like graphics-wise. If I ever design a game, I would have to know what people would be interested in looking at as well as how to attract people to the game with it's cover.

This cover art for the both short story and video game "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" applies to me since it's cover attracted me to buy the game to see what it was about. The cover was able to make me interested in what the author wants to convey and made me want to further explore what the game and story could hold.

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