Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Dinosaur Chase Scene

The scope of my project was to create a dinosaur chase scene similar to one you would see in Jurassic Park. I wanted to make it suspenseful but a bit ridiculous at the same time. I decided to use a toy dinosaur in order to make the scene seem funny rather than intense.

The idea started with ideas being thrown around with my partner until we agreed on a dinosaur chase scene like one from Jurassic World. We then started working on a storyboard in order to get our ideas down. In order to express our ideas fully we explored the school and showed each other what we wanted rather than trying to tell them with words. When we agreed that I should be in the video, we started recording. Along the way we changed a couple shots in order to make the video make more sense. After all the shots were taken, I decided to add a couple different scenes in my video in order to spice it up. Editing took a while due to the different coloring and variety of scenes I had to organize as well as finding sound effects and music. Editing took a while, but I finally finished and published it after I saw what I wanted.

Along the way, I learned how to correct coloring between shots. Even though the coloring isn't perfect, to me it seemed the best I could do. I also learned that expressing ideas with partners isn't easy. We had to go around the school and show what we meant rather after we had trouble trying to express our ideas with words. Working with a partner is very beneficial since you get a variety of ideas between each other and can discuss and edit different ideas.

If I could do things differently, I would try to get closer shots of the dinosaur since it was very small. I had to zoom in on a couple shots which made them blurry. I would also try to get all my shots on one day and stick to those shots instead of thinking of more shots after a couple days or so. The continuity between a few shots wasn't exactly great.

If I had to do this again, I would still get as many close ups as well as wide shots as I did. I think I got a variety of shots that complemented the video. I would also keep how I edited the video seeing as how it flows well and edits parts where I may have faltered.

In later projects, I will keep the experience of being on-camera in order to enhance my video. I hadn't ever been on camera that frequently before. If I can learn from being on camera and apply that to future projects, it could further enhance the quality of the video acting-wise.

All in all, I really enjoyed both filming and acting in the chase scene. This video was very fun to make and I hope later projects could be just as enjoyable.

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