Thursday, March 10, 2016

House Animation Sketchup Spencer Neel

 Making the house in SketchUp wasn't very difficult, but it did come with it's fair share of problems. I started out the house making a rectangle and raising it up eight feet. Trying to raise the roof how the picture of the house described was almost impossible. Mr. Olson taught me a way to make the roof by using the line tool and making that a 3D model. After that, I made the windows, trying to make each frame of the window as even as possible. Finding good colors didn't take long, but trying to make the railing in the front of the house was extremely difficult. It took me a very long time to place another rectangle on top of the other rails and make it even, but I eventually was able to. After the railings, I made the ground and the road. I imported trees to add aesthetics. Animating took no time at all, and I was able to successfully upload it to my YouTube account. It took some time, but I made the house to the best of my ability.

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